Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Gay Basher Turned Duke Rapist?

One of two Duke lacrosse players accused of raping a stripper also taunted a Washington, D.C., man as "gay" and then proceeded to attack the man with the help of his thug friends.

Court records indicated Collin Finnerty and two high school lacrosse teammates were arrested about 2:30 a.m. in Georgetown on Nov. 5.

According to the records, a man named Jeffrey Bloxgom told police he was repeatedly punched in the face and body by Finnerty and the other young men after Bloxgom told them to stop calling him "gay and other derogatory names."

Finnerty has entered a diversion program, which will lead to the charges being dismissed after the completion of 25 hours of community service.

Note a pattern here? Violence directed as someone perceived to be gay or someone perceived to be less than human -- hey, she was a stripper! A wilding mentality is which this pillar of manhood needed his friends to attack one man -- and now stands accused of raping a woman. Behavior motivated by a desire to induce fear and painted with sexual overtones.

We don't know if this guy is guilty of the rape. His fellow accused seems to have a way out -- the good ol' girlfriend alibi. And something doesn't seem right about the Duke case. But if this Finnerty character did rape the woman, it would certainly reinforce a building pattern. Violence against a "gay" man and a gang-rape (or gang something) of a woman to prove manhood among the boys? Can you say self-hater?

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, son. If you keep this up, pretty soon you'll join a cult, knock up someone half your age and then threaten to take the baby away if she ever leaves.

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