Monday, October 30, 2006

BaT Endorsements -- U.S. Senate

If you're looking for in-depth analysis on the candidates, look elsewhere. But if we were eligible to vote in all of these states, this is who we would choose -- and possibly a brief explanation.

We're sticking with Southern states, because, well, that's what we do.

U.S. Senate -- Texas

BaT endorses Scott Lanier Jameson, Libertarian. (We do not like Kay Bailey Hutchison, even though she will win in a landslide. Her Democrat opponent wants to increase spending for many typically liberal causes -- and she doesn't answer the question on what she would do with taxes. We all know what that means: She'd vote for more of 'em. This may be nothing more than a protest vote, but the people over at Outright Libertarians will be pleased.)

U.S. Senate -- Mississippi

BaT endorses Erik Fleming, Democrat. (Fleming supports right-to-carry laws and inclusion of sexual orientation in federal discrimination laws -- and he's not a complete cut-and-runner on Iraq. Oh, who are we kidding, he's running against Trent Lott, and there's no way in hell we'd vote from him.)

U.S. Senate -- Tennessee

BaT endorses Bob Corker, Republican. (Corker, the former mayor of Chattanooga, is best described as a moderate, especially in comparison to many Southern Republicans. His Democratic opponent, Harold Ford Jr., seems to wish he could also run as a Republican. If we're going to vote for anti-gay marriage, pro-gun and iffy on abortion candidates, we might as well have one in the same party as the president. Unfortunately, neither Corker nor Ford would participate in the Project Vote Smart survey. Boo to them.)

U.S. Senate -- Virginia

BaT endorses George Allen, Republican. (We really wanted to like Jim Webb. Really. Seriously. Allen is a bit of a nut, but Webb hasn't shown us that he isn't one, too. When in doubt, go with the nut you know.)

U.S. Senate -- Connecticut

BaT endorses Joe Lieberman, Democrat. (We know Connecticut is not in the South. Save your letters. But we want Fightin' Joe to be president one day, and that will never happen if he's retired back to New Haven. So, maybe it will never happen anyway. You can't blame a BaT for trying.)

Coming tomorrow: Governor's races.

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