Re-Pete After Me, Do Not Drink and Drive... Especially if your last name
is Coors.
Beer company executive, chief commercial pitcher and former Senate candidate Pete Coors confirmed Thursday he was cited in May for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol after leaving a friend's wedding celebration."I made a mistake," Coors said in a prepared statement. "I should have planned ahead for a ride. For years, I've advocated the responsible use of our company's products. That's still my message, and our company's message, and it's the right message."I am sorry that I didn't follow it myself."The real surprise isn't that someone named Coors would drink. Or drive. The real surprise is that anyone could get drunk enough on that p*ss-water to flunk breath test.
Unless, of course, the real scandal is he was drinking
UPDATE: Alas, this
National Review article from Coors' 2004 U.S. Senate race says he likes "Coors Original."