Protesting Gay Persecution In IranDozens of cities across the world
will have demonstrations Wednesday protesting the Iranian mad mullahs' treatment of homosexuals. Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Iran's execution of two teen boys under questionable circumstances -- but nonetheless, homosexuality held a central role. (Caution: This link contains a graphic photo of what happens to queers in the Islamic Republic of Iran.)
Tomorrow (Wednesday, July 19) is the International Day of Action Against Homophobic Persecution in Iran, called on the first anniversary of the public hanging of two teenagers, Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, for homosexuality.There will be vigils and demonstrations on July 19 in 25 cities around the world -- including 10 in the U.S. The five-point list of demands for these events is:1. End all executions in Iran, especially the execution of minors. (Photo below, the teens Mahmoud Asgari and Ayaz Marhoni, Mashad, Iran, July 19, 2005)
2. Stop the arrest, torture and imprisonment of Iranian lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and repeal the Iranian penal code's criminalization of same-sex relationships.
3. Halt the deportation to Iran of LGBT asylum seekers and other victims of Tehran's persecution.
4. Support Iranians struggling for democracy, social justice and human rights.
5. Oppose foreign military intervention in Iran; regime change must come from within -- by and for the Iranian people themselves.You can read more about Iran and homosexuals in
this BaT post from a year ago.
UPDATE: Boi from Troy
discussed this yesterday.
P.S.: I am traveling this week -- and, yes, it's hotter than hell in the Midwest, too. Blogging may not be affected because, quite honestly, there's not much else to do here. The later in the week it becomes, the more likely BaT will suffer. If you would like to host the Cocktail of the Week this Friday or Saturday, let me know.