The Landrieu FactorMitch Landrieu, current Louisiana lieutenant governor and a member of the state's political dynasty, appears set to challenge Ray Nagin for New Orleans mayor. Landrieu, son of
Moon Landrieu (who served in Jimmy Carter's Cabinet and was the last white mayor of the city) and brother of current U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, is expected to announce his candidacy any day,
according to The New York Times.
Some political experts believe the power of Mr. Landrieu's name will be enough to draw a biracial coalition similar to the ones the Landrieus have been assembling for years. His record in 16 years in the legislature is regarded as modest, with his most notable accomplishment a drive to reform the scandal-ridden juvenile justice system. Yet the family's commitment to civil rights, going back to a lonely stand by his father against segregationist bills in the 1960 legislature, is seen as trumping all."The Landrieu factor is huge," said Wayne Parent, a Louisiana State University political scientist. "Mitch Landrieu, because of his name recognition and previous support, will be a favorite, a clear favorite." The job itself would probably make any candidate hesitate. With New Orleans broke, still half-ruined from Hurricane Katrina and desperate for more federal help, race may matter less than a candidate's willingness to take on the federal government in speeding aid to the area.A modest record in the Legislature? The Times is certainly being generous. Of course, he can't be any less effective than his sister. In both of these cases, the apples certainly fall far from the tree.
But he's not Ray Nagin, who earned points from no one with his "Chocolate City" debacle. Hell, Moon's still alive and he's only like 112. Maybe he should be the candidate, not his lightweight son. Ray Nagin has been a disappointment, but if anyone in New Orleans thinks Mitch Landrieu (who already lost one run at the mayor's office) knows his coon-ass from a hole in the ground, they are kidding themselves.