Friday, October 14, 2005

Vivian Malone Jones, RIP

Vivian Malone Jones, one of two black young people who entered the University of Alabama following Gov. George Wallace's "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door," has died.

Although she and James Hood are frequently -- and mistakenly -- referred as the two people who integrated the university, they were not. A black woman was briefly enrolled in the 1950s before being expelled. However, Mrs. Jones (ne Miss Malone) was the first black graduate from UA. And she will forever be known for her courage.

"I had the privilege of representing all those who fought for simple justice," Mrs. Jones said in a commencement speech she gave at the university in 2000. "The simple act of walking through a schoolhouse door that had been barred to me, and all people of my color ... that simple act represented an end to legal segregation in the American South."

As we think about the bravery of Iraqi people again going to the polls, we should not forget our own people who braved bombs, armed thugs and death threats to exert their right to freedom.

God bless Vivian Malone Jones. Her time on this Earth was far too short -- but it was certainly meaningful for millions.

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