Thursday, October 20, 2005

Locked And Loaded

John Stossel, 20/20 co-anchor and one of the few national journalists I still respect, takes a look at the myth of gun "control" has reduced crime in America.

The Centers for Disease Control did an extensive review of various types of gun control: waiting periods, registration and licensing, and bans on certain firearms. It found that the idea that gun control laws have reduced violent crime is simply a myth.

I wanted to know why the laws weren't working, so I asked the experts. "I'm not going in the store to buy no gun," said one maximum-security inmate in New Jersey. "So, I could care less if they had a background check or not."


A study funded by the Department of Justice confirmed what the prisoners said. Criminals buy their guns illegally and easily. The study found that what felons fear most is not the police or the prison system, but their fellow citizens, who might be armed. One inmate told me, "When you gonna rob somebody you don't know, it makes it harder because you don't know what to expect out of them."

Gun "control" is yet another example of the government playing parent to the populace. And like most government programs, it is a dismal failure.

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