Monday, September 19, 2005

The Breakfast at Tiffany's Post?

This article from Howard Kurtz may explain why someone from visited BaT last week.

The fact that most of those left behind in the New Orleans flood were poor and black is being treated by the press as a stunning revelation--"A National Shame," as Newsweek's cover put it.

But not exactly a national secret.

"Apparently none of these ace reporters has ever set foot in Washington's Anacostia district, or South Central Los Angeles, or the trailer parks of rural Arkansas," writes Los Angeles Times columnist Rosa Brooks.

A Sept. 12 Washington Post story was headlined "Katrina Pushes Issues of Race and Poverty at Bush." An equally apt headline would have been, "Katrina Pushes Issues of Race and Poverty at a Media Establishment That Has Largely Ignored Them."

Regular BaT readers will recall the "Dumb and Dumber" post of Sept. 2, which states, in part:

I love New Orleans. I want to see New Orleans once again become the Jewel of the Gulf Coast. But let's not kid ourselves. It has never been a social utopia. New Orleans can be a dangerous place -- with or without 8 feet of water. Anyone who thinks that would change now under such dire circumstances can only be described as utterly stupid.

Welcome to the party, Howie, albeit more than two weeks late.

And the seemingly ill-advised encouragement from New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin for people to return is lunacy with Tropical Storm Rita aiming for the Gulf Coast. Nagin is now apparently backing off earlier comments. C'mon, Mr. Mayor, we want to like you -- but you aren't making it very easy.

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