Saturday, August 20, 2005

You Know You're Bored When ...

You post three times in one morning -- on a Saturday. Regardless, here's another. Call it your Jake Extra Edition. This will be short, but I found couple of new links to pass along.

The first is Playing for the Wrong Team. It's the story of Charlie, a young, gay African man living in Australia. He doesn't update very often now, but go back and read his archives to see his story of being young and gay -- and struggling to identify with his family and community. Does this sound familiar? It adds to our theory here on that we are all the same, even when we are so different. I rarely add links so early in reading someone's blog, but this one is worth it.

Also, on his site, Charlie has this cool little tool that I haven't seen before. It's called "Who Links to Me?". As the name explains, it will show you who is linking to you, so you, in turn, can show some link-love back.

I've now installed it here, and discovered that Toby has linked to BaT. I've read Toby every day for more than a year now, maybe longer. But I've never commented until today (he didn't allow comments for the longest). If you haven't checked Toby out, do so. He's bitchily funny. And another one of those PR types.

And, finally, -- OK, this post isn't so short after all -- I am considering starting a group blog where gay men of different cultural/racial/regional backgrounds each comment on a topic of the week. If you think this is a good idea, would like to participate or know someone who would, please leave me a comment.

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