Wednesday, August 31, 2005

When Comments Turn Into Posts

Don't look now, but Jake goes off over at Higher Powered:

A Humanitarian Issue?


I'm reading a number of blogs (I won't say which ones) written by gay men that are writing about Katrina and the castastrophe in 4 states.These particular blogs run along the lines of:

>> I will NOT donate anything to The American Red Cross because they are anti-gay. They must be anti-gay because their policy is to never accept blood donations from gays and lesbians.
>> I will NOT donate relief money or volunteer my time for Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or Florida because those states don't allow same-sex marriage. They don't accept me as God made me, so fu*k them.

Any thoughts?
brought forth by higher powered at 7:25 PM

Jake McCafferty said...

First, the obvious stupidity almost led me to not even comment. But as a former resident of the place, I can't hold back.

1. New Orleans is an incredibly gay-friendly city. If you're white and living in the city limits, odds are 50-50 that you're gay. Or your boyfriend is.
2. Because of the hospitality-based economies of both New Orleans and Biloxi, both cities attract a large number of gay people from across the South.
3. I could point out that the Red Cross also refuses to take blood from others who are considered high-risk donors. However, they will take money from anyone. This argument only makes sense if the Red Cross refused to GIVE gay people blood.
4. Phil hits the nail on the head. It's just an excuse to be a prick.
5. Does anyone not remember the huge outpouring of support from the South following 9/11? We could have easily said, "F*ck those Yankees; they invaded us a long time ago." No, instead, we recognized we're all Americans -- and when Americans need help, hell when the rest of the world needs help, we open our hearts and wallets. That's why the South is a special place.

11:03 PM

Sorry, Dave, I'll keep my rants over on this side of the fence from now on.

UPDATE: Um, I did it again over at Ethan's place. I think I'll go to bed now. My nerves are on edge. But at least I was nice this time!

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