Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Random Blogging 101

A little of this, a little of that ...

South Korean scientists say they've clone an Afghan hound. If true, it's the first successful canine clonning.

Dog eggs have been problematic because they are released from the ovary at an earlier, less mature stage than in other mammal. This time, the researchers collected more mature eggs from the donors' fallopian tubes.

They implanted 1,095 cloned embryos into 123 dogs and just three pregnancies resulted. That's a cloning efficiency rate lower than experiments with cats and horses. One fetus miscarried and one puppy died of pneumonia 22 days after birth.

That left Snuppy. He was delivered by Caesarean section from his surrogate mother, a yellow Labrador retriever.

Insert your own Korean restaurant joke here.


Former Motown star Martha Reeves is dancing in the streets after moving one step closer to winning a seat on the Detroit City Council.

To spruce up the struggling city's downtown and boost tourism, she is proposing a shopping mall, a nightclub devoted to Motown's legendary sound, and a landscape dotted with tributes to the record label's biggest stars.

"One of my biggest dreams is to put up statues downtown -- statues of Stevie Wonder ... and Smokey Robinson," she said. "That would be really great."


Charlie Murphy says "Chappelle's Show" is finished.

"I'm disappointed it ended the way it did, but I'm not angry with anybody," he said. " 'Chappelle's Show' was like the Tupac of TV shows. It came out, it got everybody's attention, it was a bright shining star, but it burned out and for some strange reason, it burned out quick."


So why do men have nipples?

While only females have mammary glands, we all start out in a similar way in the embryo, the authors explain. The embryo follows a female template until about six weeks, when the male sex chromosome kicks in.

Men, however, have already developed nipples.

If you say so, buddy, but I ain't buying it.

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