Wednesday, August 17, 2005

New, New Mexico

USA Today publishes a very interesting article on how almost half of Mexican nationals would rather live in the United States.

More than 40% of Mexican adults say they would move to the USA if they could, and one in five say they would do so illegally if necessary, according to surveys released Tuesday by the Pew Hispanic Center.

Surveys of 1,200 Mexican adults in February and 1,200 in May, conducted in their homes, show that Mexicans' rising education levels have not weakened the desire to live and work in this country.

More than a third of Mexican college graduates say they would come to the USA if they could, and more than one in eight would do so even if they had to enter the country illegally, according to the surveys, the first of their kind.

"Contrary to what people might expect, the inclination to migrate isn't contained among Mexicans who are poor or poorly educated or with limited economic prospects," says Roberto Suro, director of the Pew Hispanic Center, a non-partisan research group in Washington. "They're distributed across the whole breadth of Mexican society."

I say, "Welcome," as long as Mexican immigrants understand what all those who came to this great land before them. If you want to be in America, then you must be an American. That means learn the language, respect the customs and work hard. I have no doubt the Mexican people want those very things.

Usted ahora es Americanos.

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