Friday, August 19, 2005

Cocktail of the Week -- Our 38th State Edition

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Keeping the Western theme going ... Colorado's name cames from the Spanish "color red," or "color del rojo." It became a state on Aug. 1, 1876, and the state animal is the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep.

But my favorite drink, as shared by a cute -- and barely legal -- waiter is the Rocky Mountain Bear F*cker. I am neither a bear nor a ... OK, I'm not a bear. Without further adieu, the Cocktail of the Week:


1/3 oz. tequila
1/3 oz. Jack Daniel's Tennessee whiskey
1/3 oz. Southern Comfort peach liqueur


Pour into a shot glass starting with tequila, followed by the Jack Daniel's and finally the Southern Comfort. Shoot it.

I'm not sure what it says about Colorado that two of the ingredients to a drink featuring "Rocky Mountain" come from Lynchburg, Tennessee, and New Orleans, respectively, but after a few of these you won't care, either.

Cheers, y'all.

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