Friday, July 15, 2005

Cocktail of the Week -- French Fried Edition

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Is there a bigger tool than French President Jacque Chirac? I can't think of anyone, outside of maybe -- just maybe -- Tommy Tooth.

President Jacques Chirac celebrated Bastille Day yesterday by insisting that France had no need to "envy or copy" Britain.

Whether the point of comparison was food, health, education or science, France was in far better shape than its old rival, he said.

Oh, and dentistry too! And jealousy ... And pompousness ... I could go on and on. But instead, let's discuss the only thing French I really like: Grey Goose Vodka. (And what a pretty bottle!) Which brings us to this installment of the Cocktail of the Week. I normally don't use Grey Goose in many mixed drinks, because, well, once you combine vodka with mixers, they all seem to taste alike. Except for the ones that smell like rubbing alcohol. However, this is an exception.

The drink? The Monaco, named for the famed principality, which by the way holds a treaty stating that the French are responsible for Monaco's defense. The citizenry should certainly hope they are never invaded.


2 oz. Grey Goose vodka
1 oz. orange-flavored liqueur
4 red grapes
2 lemon wedges
1 teaspoon sugar
Sugar and red grapes for garnish

(Yes, like the French, it is a tiresome and difficult drink to make!)


Moisten the rim of a cocktail glass with a lemon wedge. Roll the rim of the glass in sugar. Place the 4 red grapes, lemon wedges and sugar into the cocktail shaker. Mash well. Add vodka, liqueur and ice. Shake well and strain into the glass. (Strain, for chrissakes, strain.) Garnish with two red grapes on a garnish pick.

Enjoy ... and say a prayer for Monaco.

UPDATE: Matt McMattMatt gives us another reason to love ... er, like ... er, tolerate the French. They hate What's-his-Name, too!

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