Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It Is, After All, Louisiana

When they say, "Only in Louisiana," they don't mean bare-breasts-for-beads or drive-thru diaquiri shops. No, they mean that what would seem completely outrageous is perfectly normal in the Bayou State.

Particularly in New Orleans, where ...

The security chief for Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan has been hired to provide sensitivity training for the NOPD. Captain Dennis Muhammad has conducted sensitivity training in other cities such as Buffalo and will be paid $15,000 for his services, which NOPD Chief Eddie Compass says are needed in New Orleans.
You know, the Nation of Islam, whose leader, former professional violinist and singer Calypso Gene (aka Louis Farrakhan ne Louis Eugene Walcott) has said that ...
  • Whites are "blue eyed devils."
  • Jews are "bloodsuckers"
  • "Hitler was a very great man."
  • Jews controlled the slave trade and currently control the government
  • Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad believed that whites were created by an evil Black scientist and that there will be "The Great Decisive Battle in the Sky" when a space ship will kill all white people by bombing the earth
  • Muhammad believed that white people should relocate to Europe and that racial integration was wrong

In addition, Farrakhan has met with dictators in Sudan, Libya and Iraq, before the war, and praised their governments while denouncing the United States. Leaders in the Nation of Islam have also made very inflammatory anti-Catholic statements. In a November 1993 speech at Kean College in New Jersey, Farrakhan’s chief spokesman Khallid Muhammad said, "The old no-good Pope-you know that cracker, somebody need to raise that dress up and see what's really under there. Jesus was right; you're nothing but liars. The book of Revelations is right; you're from the Synagogue of Satan."

Um, yeah, OK. Of course the political leadership in New Orleans didn't see much wrong with the security chief for someone so offensive (and that's a mild description) provide sensitivity training to police officers. At least not until it became a national story. Now the delightfully named Chief Compass has reversed his decision.


P.S. You can keep reading the second story on intellectually challenged Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco (as in BLANK-o) and her failed attempt to gouge lower income residents with a $1 a pack cigarette tax.

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