Wednesday, June 08, 2005

All You White Republicans Look Alike To Us

Perhaps the folks over at MoveOn should lay off the marijuana long enough to read this book.

A protest organized June 1 by MoveOn, a liberal political action committee, drew about 20 people to the Michigan Avenue office of U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Brighton. Demonstrators protested Rogers’ ties to embattled House Majority Leader Tom Delay.

There was only one problem: They had the wrong Mike Rogers.


The group came armed with financial records from a Web site that detailed various financial contributions between the two Republicans, including a $20,000 campaign contribution from DeLay to Rogers as well as a $5,000 contribution by Rogers to DeLay’s legal defense fund.

However, the Mike Rogers involved was not the Michigan congressman, but rather Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Ala.

Twenty people? It's a pity to waste such a massive outpouring of outrage on the wrong guy. Maybe they can reschedule. I'm sure the fine people of Alabama would arrange a nice welcome.

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