Cocktail of the Week -- Prohibition Edition
Albeit a few days later, here is the Cocktail of the Week ...
Dedicated to
Texan Dave, a recovering alcoholic who has a great blog detailing his journey. Check it out.
OK, the "blank" dedication is a little tongue-in-check. I had intended to update before leaving town for the weekend. But Blogger was down for maintenance, and I couldn't delay my departure while waiting for it to be online again.
The weekend was a much-needed break from work and from my city in general. And it was great to see the "extended family" (and I mean family, as in Friends of Dorothy family) for the first time in several months. If some of you are reading this, I enjoyed our time together, and I'm always slightly depressed when I return because I love you all greatly. But, then again, if I was around you every day, I'd probably take your friendships for granted.
This week could be light on blogging. I leave for overseas Sunday, and I am not confident in my ability to post or even check e-mail while I'm there. In the meantime, the prep work for this conference is down to the wire. Which leaves me with this thought: It is with good reason that the first four letters of "deadline" spell "dead."
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